Project Applications

Our support-making decisions are based on project proposals with clear budgets, timelines and outcomes. Project proposals and requests for collaboration are reviewed during our Board meetings. We take into account the relevance of the project with respect to Endelea’s objectives, our areas of focus, and our geographical and thematic priorities. Additionally, the outcome of the project should make a genuine and measurable difference to the communities concerned.

Endelea believes that sustainability is essential and that it cannot be achieved if beneficiaries do not take gradual autonomy during the project period. We are aware that time is needed. When relevant, Endelea may consider a multi-year partnership.

Local NGO’s that are interested in our support are invited to email us a concept note in English including the following details:


  • Objective(s) of the proposed project;
  • Main activities and beneficiaries;
  • Timeline/milestones;
  • Requested contribution from the Endelea Foundation;
  • Name of the applicant organisation, legal status and website.